A quality home is the foundation
of society & community

A quality home is the foundation of society & community

Slide Slide make choices and commitments, and take action, with tomorrow in mind Slide Empowering residents of government-funded affordable housing programs and low-income workers to a life of self-sufficiency and independence Slide RHA works to ensure the provision of employment,
training, contracting, and other economic opportunities
to its residents and other low-income persons.

HUD Section 3

The purpose of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 is to “ensure that employment and other economic opportunities generated by certain HUD financial assistance shall, to the greatest extent feasible, and consistent with existing Federal, State, and local laws and regulations, be directed toward low-income persons, particularly those who are recipients of government assistance for housing, and to business concerns which provide economic opportunities to low-income persons.”

RHA works to ensure the provision of employment, training, contracting, and other economic opportunities to its residents and other low-income persons. In doing so, RHA utilizes Section 3 as a means of promoting stability and self-sufficiency to Section 3 Residents.

Section 3 Job Bank

RHA has created a Job Bank for residents of the Rockford Housing Authority and residents of the metropolitan area to self-certify as low-income.

Once you self-certify through our site you will then receive job alerts from our contractor/vendor base. You will also be notified of other Section 3 opportunities in our community. Signing up for the RHA Job Bank is easy! If this opportunity interests you, then click the button below to begin:

*You will be prompted to create an RHA Section 3 Account upon completion of the Section 3 Self-Certification Form.

Section 3 Information Pages

Select a button to view more information about the RHA Section 3 Program

Section 3 Vlogs

Over the last eight decades HUD has evolved itself to continuously meet the needs of our community’s most vulnerable families, which extend beyond the boundary of providing a safe, clean and affordable place to call home. Programs like section 3 were created as a strategy that would empower residents of government-funded affordable housing programs and low-income workers to a life of self-sufficiency and independence.

Section 3 advocates for local economic development, neighborhood economic improvement and individual self-sufficiency, requiring that HUD funded contractors to the greatest extent feasible, provide job training employment opportunities and contracting opportunities for low or very low-income residents in our community.

This series is an inside look at how folks approached the future through Section 3, with a forward-focused mindset, as something to be created and nurtured in the present moment. The takeaway for today: make choices and commitments, and take action, with tomorrow in mind.


Section 3 requirements apply to all projects and activities funded in whole or in part with covered funds. If any HUD funding is used for the project/activity, then the entire project budget is subject to Section 3 regulations.

Section 3 requirements do not apply to projects and activities of RHA that do no receive any HUD funding, such as non-subsidized market rate developments owned by RHA. Section 3 requirements do not apply to any agreement or contract for the purchase of supplies and materials only.

View Local Section 3 Employment Opportunities

Section 3 is a HUD regulation which states that any entity that receives section 3 covered funding must be section 3 compliant. Section 3 compliance is achieved by providing education, training, and/or employment opportunities to Section 3 person(s).

A Section 3 person is an income-eligible* individual who resides in the service area of the housing authority, is a public housing resident, housing choice voucher resident, or youth build participant.

Lost the Password to Your RHA Account? Click Here.

Who Qualifies as Section 3?

Section 3 is a HUD regulation which states that any entity that receives section 3 covered funding must be section 3 compliant. Section 3 compliance is achieved by providing education, training, and/or employment opportunities to Section 3 person(s).

A Section 3 person is an income-eligible* individual who resides in the service area of the housing authority, is a public housing resident, housing choice voucher resident, or youth build participant.

Section 3 Income Limit
1 Person

*If a person earns at or below $45,100, they are qualified as Section 3.


Please be advised the Rockford Housing Authority is posting for public comment: a proposed change to the Housing Choice Voucher Income Limits. The comment period is open on April 17, 2024, through May 16, 2024. Copies of the proposed HCV Income Limits are available for download on the RHA website (Download PDF) and are also available for public review at the Rockford Housing Authority’s Admissions Office at 223 S. Winnebago Street, Rockford, IL 61102. Comments must be submitted and/or received on or before 3 PM May 16, 2024.
Comments can be dropped off to our drop box or mailed to:

Rockford Housing Authority
223 S. Winnebago St.
Rockford, IL 61102

Email: rgulley@rockfordha.org

What is a Section 3 Business Concern?

A Section 3 business concern is a business  concern meeting at least one of the following criteria, documented within the last six-month period:

  1. It is at least 51 percent owned and controlled by low- or very low-income persons;
  2. Over 75 percent of the labor hours performed for the Business over the prior three-month period are performed by Section 3 workers; or
  3. It is a business at least 51 percent owned and controlled by current public housing residents or residents who currently live in Section 8-assisted housing.

Please email ssummers@rockfordha.org with any questions.